Teacher Joshua Lim

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Music certificates from The Associated Board of The Royal School of Music – Advanced Certificate Piano, Grade 8 in Piano, Grade 8 in Music Theory, Grade 5 in Jazz Piano
My students know me as TJ - Short for Teacher Joshua. I have been teaching piano for over 10 years, performed in events and a few hotels (namely Goodwood Park lobby Lounge, old Meridien Hotel currently Concorde Hotel, Raffles Hotel Courtyard & Fullerton Hotel lobby), teach blues Jazz gospel piano too. I teach both ABRSM syllabus and Modern Pianoforte syllabus which is under the ANZCA (Australia New Zealand Cultural Arts) Syllabus as it is more sustainable for kids this era. Started teaching in Cristofori Music School, then moved on to MusicTEC Pte Ltd then to full time piano teaching.
During my teaching time in Cristofori Music School, a teacher by the name of Ms Lai Mei Kuen introduced the syllabus ANZCA to the Teachers. It was a real delight as it was fresh material which I knew this would be something students will enjoy. Fun examination pieces. Since then I took the Syllabus and incorporated into my teaching. 80% of my students are taking the Modern Pianoforte Syllabus. Popular melodies like Star Wars, Pink Panther theme and River Flows in You are example of some examination pieces. One component which include is for candidates to improvise; this in turns also creativity for the piano player don't you agree?
Look into the Modern Pianoforte Syllabus I encourage my fellow piano Teachers and your students will not say piano lessons are boring.
For more information, contact me at 91591155.