According to wikipedia, a scale is any set of musical notes ordered by frequency or pitch. It is a fundamental for beginners as practicing scales not only train your muscle memory, but also your ability to identify notes, and it serves as a good exercise routine. In music theory, there are major scales and there are minor scales. However, for a beginner, you don't have to learn all of them at once. We will only list the ones which you should start with, and from then on, you may advance to higher level scales. To start off, the first major scale you should learn is :
- The C Major Scale
Other major scales you should learn in the process are:
G Major Scale
D Major Scale
A Major Scale
In total, there are 12 major scales. Once you have mastered the beginner scales, you may move on to the rest of the major scales. Besides major scales, there are also minor scales. Minor scales are as equally as important as major scales, so don't neglect them! The first minor scale you should learn is :
- The A Minor Scale
Other minor scales you should learn in the process are:
- A flat Minor Scale
- E Minor Scale
- D Minor Scale
Do note that there are different types of minor scales. There are at least 36 minor scales you can learn. The various types are natural minor scales, melodic minor scales and harmonic minor scales. Take your time to practice these scales, and you will see rapid progress in your learning journey!
Zoe is an avid fan of all kinds of music. Her primary instrument is the guitar but she is always passionately learning how to play other instruments such as the drums and keyboard. She is currently playing the bass guitar in a band and has been routinely involved in music since she was a child.
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