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The 4 Basic Piano Chords

Zoe Lim

a piano and a music theory sheet

Many popular songs thrive on just 4 basic chords. It doesn't matter if they were played with a guitar, a piano or even a violin, these four basic chords are fundamental when it comes to song-writing. The reason why we feel as if some songs are similar, is because they share the same chords, but different rhythm. The pattern in which these chords are played should be creative and original, otherwise, many songs would deem as plagiarism. Without further ado, here are the 4 basic chords you should learn as a beginner!

1. C Major Chord

2. G Major Chord

3. A Minor Chord

4. F Major Chord

basic piano chords

Songs you can start playing with these 4 chords :

1. Girls like you (Maroon 5)

2. Someone like you (Adele)

3. Let it go (Frozen)

4. How far I’ll go (Moana)

5. This time for Africa (Shakira)

6. Country roads (John Denver)

7. With or without you (U2)

8. Take on me (a-ha)

9. Con te partiro’ (Andrea Bocelli)

10. Torn (Natalie Imbruglia)

11 . Let It Be (The Beatles)

...And many more! Explore the Spotify playlist below which contains songs that follow these 4 chords.


Zoe is an avid fan of all kinds of music. Her primary instrument is the guitar but she is always passionately learning how to play other instruments such as the drums and keyboard. She is currently playing the bass guitar in a band and has been routinely involved in music since she was a child. #piano #pianopieces #pianomusic #pianocomposition #pianosongs #pianocover #pianotutorial #pianolessons #pianopractice #keyboard #keyboardmusic #music #songs #classical #classicalmusic #classicalsongs #classicalpiano #pianosingapore #singapore #sgpiano #pianosg #singaporepiano #singapore #pianoclass #pianoteachers #spotifylists #spotifymusic #spotifyplaylist #4chords #basicpianochords #pianochords #chords #basicchords

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